Snöprognosen för Kühtai är: Ett tungt snöfall, tyngst under måndag natt. Det kommer att bli minusgrader (max 0°C på sön morgon, min -10°C på mån kväll). med övervägande lätta vindar.
Kühtai Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Kühtai is: Ett tungt snöfall, tyngst under måndag natt. Det kommer att bli minusgrader (max 0°C på sön morgon, min -10°C på mån kväll). med övervägande lätta vindar.
Kühtai Weather (Days 4-6): En bepudring av nysnö. Frys-tö förhållanden (max 2°C på ons eftermiddag, min -6°C på tis morgon). med övervägande lätta vindar.
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(de nästa3dagarna):
Snöprognosen för Kühtai är: Ett tungt snöfall, tyngst under måndag natt. Det kommer att bli minusgrader (max 0°C på sön morgon, min -10°C på mån kväll). med övervägande lätta vindar.
Kühtai Väder (Dagarna4-6):
En bepudring av nysnö. Frys-tö förhållanden (max 2°C på ons eftermiddag, min -6°C på tis morgon). med övervägande lätta vindar.
Light rain reported from Flughafen Innsbruck Automatic Weather Station at 721 metres elevation 8 kms NNE of Axamer Lizum but it is forecast cold enough for snow at higher elevations in the ski area från Axamer Lizum
21km bort frånKühtai
22 hour sedan
Drizzle reported from Flughafen Innsbruck Automatic Weather Station at 721 metres elevation 8 kms NNE of Axamer Lizum but it is forecast cold enough for snow at higher elevations in the ski area från Axamer Lizum
Ett tungt snöfall, tyngst under måndag natt. Det kommer att bli minusgrader (max 0°C på sön morgon, min -10°C på mån kväll). med övervägande lätta vindar.
Kommande 4-6dagarnas väderöversikt:
En bepudring av nysnö. Frys-tö förhållanden (max 2°C på ons eftermiddag, min -6°C på tis morgon). med övervägande lätta vindar.
Light rain reported from Flughafen Innsbruck Automatic Weather Station at 721 metres elevation 8 kms NNE of Axamer Lizum but it is forecast cold enough for snow at higher elevations in the ski area från Axamer Lizum
21km bort frånKühtai
22 hour sedan
Drizzle reported from Flughafen Innsbruck Automatic Weather Station at 721 metres elevation 8 kms NNE of Axamer Lizum but it is forecast cold enough for snow at higher elevations in the ski area från Axamer Lizum
Tabellen ovanför visar väderprognosen förKühtai vid2270 mhöjd. Våra avancerade vädermodeller tillåter oss att ge väderprognoser för toppen, mitten och botten utav backarna vid Kühtai. För att se vädret vid andra höjder, använd tabbnavigeraren ovanför tabellen. För en mera omfattande väderprognos, kolla in väderkartan för Austria.
A long overdue review on Kuhtai, which 've skied may times in the past few years. In short, another classic medium size resort with approx 40 km of pistes which the Austrians do so well.
With a base station of 2,000m it's super snow-sure if rather bleak as it's a one street station at the top of a pass, all above the tree line.
Make no mistake though, this is a serious ski resort, sporting a modern lift system with all the pistes being either red or black, save one blue run that finishes at the top of a long red canyon; so it's not a resort for beginners!
Its serious sporting intent is underlined by the fact the the US World Cup Ski Team is based here when the World Cup is in Europe.
The slopes face both north and south so you can follow the sun each day, plus there are plenty of off-piste and back-country opportunities.
Subsistence is good value compared to the big resorts like Soelden, Ischgl and St Anton. But best of all is the fact the pistes are generally deserted on mid week days and there are very few Brits around, so you really feel you are on a foreign holiday.
Overall, highly recommended for long weekend or away days in neighbouring resorts. It's also worth noting the lift pass is shared with nearby Oetz, another similar sized gem.
A long overdue review on Kuhtai, which 've skied may times in the past few years. In short, another classic medium size resort with approx 40 km of pistes which the Austrians do so well.
With a base station of 2,000m it's super snow-sure if rather bleak as it's a one street station at the top of a pass, all above the tree line.
Make no mistake though, this is a serious ski resort, sporting a modern lift system with all the pistes being either red or black, save one blue run that finishes at the top of a long red canyon; so it's not a resort for beginners!
Its serious sporting intent is underlined by the fact the the US World Cup Ski Team is based here when the World Cup is in Europe.
The slopes face both north and south so you can follow the sun each day, plus there are plenty of off-piste and back-country opportunities.
Subsistence is good value compared to the big resorts like Soelden, Ischgl and St Anton. But best of all is the fact the pistes are generally deserted on mid week days and there are very few Brits around, so you really feel you are on a foreign holiday.
Overall, highly recommended for long weekend or away days in neighbouring resorts. It's also worth noting the lift pass is shared with nearby Oetz, another similar sized gem.
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