Snöprognosen för Røldal är: spö- regn (Totalt 32.0mm), kraftigast under sön natt. Senare bli kallare med en bepudring av snö på tis kväll. Frys-tö förhållanden (max 4°C på mån morgon, min -3°C på tis morgon). med övervägande lätta vindar.
Røldal Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Røldal is: spö- regn (Totalt 32.0mm), kraftigast under sön natt. Senare bli kallare med en bepudring av snö på tis kväll. Frys-tö förhållanden (max 4°C på mån morgon, min -3°C på tis morgon). med övervägande lätta vindar.
Røldal Weather (Days 4-6): En bepudring av nysnö. Frys-tö förhållanden (max 2°C på ons morgon, min -10°C på fre kväll). med övervägande lätta vindar.
Røldal Live Weather
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(de nästa3dagarna):
Snöprognosen för Røldal är: spö- regn (Totalt 32.0mm), kraftigast under sön natt. Senare bli kallare med en bepudring av snö på tis kväll. Frys-tö förhållanden (max 4°C på mån morgon, min -3°C på tis morgon). med övervägande lätta vindar.
Røldal Väder (Dagarna4-6):
En bepudring av nysnö. Frys-tö förhållanden (max 2°C på ons morgon, min -10°C på fre kväll). med övervägande lätta vindar.
spö- regn (Totalt 32.0mm), kraftigast under sön natt. Senare bli kallare med en bepudring av snö på tis kväll. Frys-tö förhållanden (max 4°C på mån morgon, min -3°C på tis morgon). med övervägande lätta vindar.
Kommande 4-6dagarnas väderöversikt:
En bepudring av nysnö. Frys-tö förhållanden (max 2°C på ons morgon, min -10°C på fre kväll). med övervägande lätta vindar.
Tabellen ovanför visar väderprognosen förRøldal vid500 mhöjd. Våra avancerade vädermodeller tillåter oss att ge väderprognoser för toppen, mitten och botten utav backarna vid Røldal. För att se vädret vid andra höjder, använd tabbnavigeraren ovanför tabellen. För en mera omfattande väderprognos, kolla in väderkartan för Norway.
Røldal is usually called Norways Chamonix. It is not because of the lifts (which where updated for the 07/08 season) but the massive amounts of snow. This season there was 5 meters at most (3 meters in the bottom) and many days of wonderful powder skiing. The reason for these massive amounts of snow is that it is situated on the west coast of Norway and we get a lot of rain. During the winter most of this falls as snow in Røldal. There never comes small dumps, but large ones, from 20 - 50 centimeters.
The new lift has increased capacity considerably, by as much as 62%, which has eliminated most queuing problems, even in the weekends. The site is huge, and usually no rocks are visible, neither trees (due to the height) so one can ski without interruption. The weather can be very difficult sometimes, but when the sun appears it is a wonder to look at! Cloudy weather can make the eyesight small, but if you know you can ski it is not a problem. Temperature is stable below -5 for most of the winter, but can fall down to as much as -30 celcius.
For experienced skiers this is heaven. There are massive challenges, though I get enough powder from the ski center! For families and beginners they have many slack slopes and beginners lifts. It increases in popularity ever year, so be early if you need a place to stay. If you ever visit the west coast of Norway, you should definitly try a day (or more) in Røldal. The road up is expanded and enables you to see massive scenarios of nature. See you there!
Røldal is usually called Norways Chamonix. It is not because of the lifts (which where updated for the 07/08 season) but the massive amounts of snow. This season there was 5 meters at most (3 meters in the bottom) and many days of wonderful powder skiing. The reason for these massive amounts of snow is that it is situated on the west coast of Norway and we get a lot of rain. During the winter most of this falls as snow in Røldal. There never comes small dumps, but large ones, from 20 - 50 centimeters.
The new lift has increased capacity considerably, by as much as 62%, which has eliminated most queuing problems, even in the weekends. The site is huge, and usually no rocks are visible, neither trees (due to the height) so one can ski without interruption. The weather can be very difficult sometimes, but when the sun appears it is a wonder to look at! Cloudy weather can make the eyesight small, but if you know you can ski it is not a problem. Temperature is stable below -5 for most of the winter, but can fall down to as much as -30 celcius.
For experienced skiers this is heaven. There are massive challenges, though I get enough powder from the ski center! For families and beginners they have many slack slopes and beginners lifts. It increases in popularity ever year, so be early if you need a place to stay. If you ever visit the west coast of Norway, you should definitly try a day (or more) in Røldal. The road up is expanded and enables you to see massive scenarios of nature. See you there!
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