Snöprognosen för Mammoth Mountain är: Mestadels torrt. Frys-tö förhållanden (max 10°C på tis morgon, min -5°C på mån eftermiddag). med övervägande lätta vindar.
Mammoth Mountain Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Mammoth Mountain is: Mestadels torrt. Frys-tö förhållanden (max 10°C på tis morgon, min -5°C på mån eftermiddag). med övervägande lätta vindar.
Mammoth Mountain Weather (Days 4-6): Ett lätt täcke utav nysnö, som faller mestadels på fre kväll. Frys-tö förhållanden (max 8°C på ons morgon, min -4°C på tors kväll). ökande vindar (lätta vindar från Sydväst på tors kväll, starka vindar från Sydväst senast fre natt).
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Mammoth MountainVäder
(de nästa3dagarna):
Snöprognosen för Mammoth Mountain är: Mestadels torrt. Frys-tö förhållanden (max 10°C på tis morgon, min -5°C på mån eftermiddag). med övervägande lätta vindar.
Mammoth Mountain Väder (Dagarna4-6):
Ett lätt täcke utav nysnö, som faller mestadels på fre kväll. Frys-tö förhållanden (max 8°C på ons morgon, min -4°C på tors kväll). ökande vindar (lätta vindar från Sydväst på tors kväll, starka vindar från Sydväst senast fre natt).
Mestadels torrt. Frys-tö förhållanden (max 10°C på tis morgon, min -5°C på mån eftermiddag). med övervägande lätta vindar.
Kommande 4-6dagarnas väderöversikt:
Ett lätt täcke utav nysnö, som faller mestadels på fre kväll. Frys-tö förhållanden (max 8°C på ons morgon, min -4°C på tors kväll). ökande vindar (lätta vindar från Sydväst på tors kväll, starka vindar från Sydväst senast fre natt).
Tabellen ovanför visar väderprognosen förMammoth Mountain vid2424 mhöjd. Våra avancerade vädermodeller tillåter oss att ge väderprognoser för toppen, mitten och botten utav backarna vid Mammoth Mountain. För att se vädret vid andra höjder, använd tabbnavigeraren ovanför tabellen. För en mera omfattande väderprognos, kolla in väderkartan för United States.
Mammoth is a mountain of extremes, both good and bad. It covers a huge area with multiple exposures, but the terrain basically breaks down into mostly super-steep snowfields above mid station and easy, rolling tree lined trails below midstation. Consequently, most runs fall in the 1200-1300 vertical foot range.
It gets lots of snow in big dumps, but the fresh stuff gets skied out quickly because there are so many people on the hill and so many high capacity lifts. Another negative is the powerful SoCal sun and proximity to the desert, which softens the snow surface quicker than the resorts in Colorado, Utah and even Tahoe. As a result, a groomed piste gets skied up quickly and the snow surface can get choppy by early afternoon. However, the snow on the upper mountain is protected from the sun and it usually is colder and drier up there…so the steep runs off the gondola almost always have great snow.
The mountain hasn’t expanded since the 1980’s but nearly all the double chairs have been replaced with fast quads. Lines are not a problem but crowded slopes are very much a problem on weekends. On-mountain dining is sub-par for a destination resort. Best option is to ski over to the Mammoth Mountain Inn.
Lodging in town is mostly mediocre motels. There is a high-end Westin that’s nice, but has commensurately high prices. I am a fan of the 1950’s era Mammoth Mountain Inn, which is slopeside and offers decent prices.
Bottom line: Mammoth has some of the best steep snowfields in the country. But it’s still an LA weekend escape resort. There are better choices if you are l traveling cross country looking for a destination resort.
Mammoth is a mountain of extremes, both good and bad. It covers a huge area with multiple exposures, but the terrain basically breaks down into mostly super-steep snowfields above mid station and easy, rolling tree lined trails below midstation. Consequently, most runs fall in the 1200-1300 vertical foot range.
It gets lots of snow in big dumps, but the fresh stuff gets skied out quickly because there are so many people on the hill and so many high capacity lifts. Another negative is the powerful SoCal sun and proximity to the desert, which softens the snow surface quicker than the resorts in Colorado, Utah and even Tahoe. As a result, a groomed piste gets skied up quickly and the snow surface can get choppy by early afternoon. However, the snow on the upper mountain is protected from the sun and it usually is colder and drier up there…so the steep runs off the gondola almost always have great snow.
The mountain hasn’t expanded since the 1980’s but nearly all the double chairs have been replaced with fast quads. Lines are not a problem but crowded slopes are very much a problem on weekends. On-mountain dining is sub-par for a destination resort. Best option is to ski over to the Mammoth Mountain Inn.
Lodging in town is mostly mediocre motels. There is a high-end Westin that’s nice, but has commensurately high prices. I am a fan of the 1950’s era Mammoth Mountain Inn, which is slopeside and offers decent prices.
Bottom line: Mammoth has some of the best steep snowfields in the country. But it’s still an LA weekend escape resort. There are better choices if you are l traveling cross country looking for a destination resort.
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